
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Just Checking In


Hi. I know you haven't heard from me in a while. I have baked so many things, but I haven't shared them. I am a bad, bad blogger. It isn't because I don't care about you. In fact, it is because I care so much that I haven't posted any of them. Yes, they were yummy. Yes, some were even pretty.

However, I didn't get any nice photos because it was always dark by the time I had finished baking. I am turning over a new leaf though. I will bake at night, photograph it in the morning, and distribute it to friends  only once I have taken lovely pictures. I promise. You have my word.


In the meantime, I wanted to show you a few more photos from my Parisian eating adventure. I thought I might post a few pictures from school as well, just to give you a reference for where I am and who is enjoying the fruits (more like sweets) of my labor. I wanted to let you in on something that I've started here to see if you would like me to post about it every now and again.

Sunday Suppers are becoming a fixture here in University Hall in St. Andrews. Every Sunday, I choose a menu and cook for whomever wants to sit down for a nice, homemade meal. Everyone chips in, whether it be funds, carrot chopping, or dishwashing. At the end of the day, we gather together in the hall and eat. Food is an unbelievable way to bond. Simply eating together brings people closer together, and I am already eagerly anticipating Sunday! I hope you are all doing well, and I cannot wait to share some real baked goods with you very, very soon.



  1. Hi, I'm sorry if this is incredibly creepy but I was just reading through your blog posts and I read something about Ashley Hall and Charleston, I live in Charleston and I had a friend that went to Ashley Hall! Crazy!!

    Anyway, I love your blog! :)

  2. I'm so happy you like it! That's definitely not creepy. I always love to hear from readers, and it is exciting to hear from a fellow Charlestonian
