Clearly it was alcohol day around here. I'm not sure whether I ended up leaving all of the alcohol-centered recipes till the end or if Room for Dessert just really uses a lot of alcohol. I was talking to my brother, who goes to college in Scotland, on Facebook today and told him what I was making. He was very envious of everyone who is here and will be able to consume all of the treats I made today, but he was also shocked at the amount of alcoholic desserts I was whipping up.
"I thought you were skipping the chapter on liqueurs," he said. Oh, I am. Thinking about it, I don't even need to make my own alcohol, as there are innumerable recipes that incorporate the stuff, which I wouldn't have to make! I am actually very relieved that I decided to pass on that chapter; I definitely do not need to get any of my classmates drunk. After all, this is a school project hahaha.
One benefit that sorbets have over ice creams is the fact that they do not necessitate a custard base. The fact that they do not contain jaw-dropping amounts of cream and whole milk doesn't hurt either. Sorbets are fast and simple and don't require a lot of standing and stirring, as both ice cream and gelato do.
Whoah. This sorbet is ridiculously strong. I am surprised that the flavor of the wine was as assertive as it was, considering the fact that there was more orange juice than wine in the actual sorbet. I only took a small spoonful of it, but I couldn't really take any more. I guess I do not have a very adult palette when it comes to alcoholic desserts, but there were plenty of others in my house willing to help me eat it!

Sangria Sorbet
Makes about 3 cups
Adapted from Room for Dessert
3/4 cup sugar
6 tablespoons water
1 cup red wine
1 1/2 cups tangerine juice
1 tablespoon triple sec
Grated zest of 1 tangerine
Heat sugar and water until sugar dissolves completely. Add red wine, tangerine juice, triple sec, and zest. Chill thoroughly and freeze in an ice cream maker.
More Sorbet
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